Domestic Human Needs (DHN)
Advocating for policy that improves people's lives
What We Do
We're dedicated to improving people's lives by advocating policy that ends poverty and need.
We Work To End Poverty & Hunger
Helping those of us in the greatest need live with dignity
The Interreligious Working Group on Domestic Human Needs (DHN) is one of the oldest working groups within the Washington Interreligious Staff Community (WISC). Representing a wide variety of religious organizations and faith traditions, we might not agree on everything, but ending the poverty and hunger facing millions of Americans is a priority we all share.
We advance federal policies that will help eliminate the root causes of poverty and enable individuals to live with dignity, ensuring secure future for themselves and their families.
Who We Are
We're on a mission to connect your cause to the people who care the most.
Coalition Members
Members of our advocacy family
American Baptist Churches USA
American Friends Service Committee
Bread for the World
Call to Renewal
Ecumenical Poverty Initiative
The Episcopal Church
Evangelical Lutheran Church in AmericaFriends Committee on National Legislation
Interfaith Worker Justice
Islamic Relief USA
Islamic Society of North AmericaJewish Council for Public Affairs
Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns
MAZON: A Jewish Response to HungerMcAuley Institute
Mennonite Central Committee
National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good ShepherdNational Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA
NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice
Poligon Education FundChristian Reformed Church Office of Social Justice
Presbyterian Church, (USA) Office of Public Witness
Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
SojournersUnitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
United Church of Christ, Justice & Witness Ministries
United Methodist Church, General Board of Church & SocietyResources
The Interreligious Working Group on Domestic Human Needs (DHN) seeks to promote policies that eliminate the
root causes of poverty and provide support for those currently experiencing poverty.A resource produced by the DHN Racial Justice Subcommittee defining definitions of equity, racism, and more in the intersection of legislation.
We view the budget as a moral document, outlining the values and priorities of this country. The federal budget should be a budget that fosters hope, opportunity, and a place at the table for all, especially those experiencing hardship and oppression.
Our nation’s food and farm policies as embodied in the Farm Bill impact people and communities from rural America to developing countries. The Farm Bill’s resources must be effectively targeted where need is greatest.
A Faithful Budget promotes a compassionate and comprehensive vision for the future. As communities of faith, we call on our elected leaders to craft a federal budget that fulfills our shared duty to each other in all segments of society.
Hear in-depth analyses from experts on the Office of Management and Budget proposed inquiry on changing the
Poverty Line and the Department of Housing and Urban Development proposed rule on eliminating access to public
housing for "mixed status" immigrant families.Connect With Us
The Domestic Human Needs Coalition is a working group of the greater Washington Interfaith Staff Community. Visit www.washingtoninterfaith.org to learn more.
For general questions about the DHN working group, please contact: